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genealogy resources

Here is a few pages that you may find interesting. Some of the links are from people that have helped me with my genealogy quest. Other sites are just here for reference. If you would like to be listed here, email me at genealogy@fennema.ca, All I ask is for you to link back to me.
I take no responsibility, do not endorse nor approve for the content or accuracy covered in these third-party sites found below.


personal genealogy pages

research sources

weather forcasts

adventure vacation directory

family predigree

relatives in the headlines

partners & sponsers

Please visit our sponsor

town & municipality websites

genealogy pages

local and national news

photos & articles

genealogy resources
Web www.fennema.ca
ancestor trees
descendant trees
family predigree
If you would like me to add your site to my Genealogy Resources, email me, Jolanda Fennema.
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Vacation Adventures
Visit my sponser for your Adventure Vacation and for your hosting needs visit sky computers
Updated march 3, 2006
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